L A & I J Lelliott holds the account for 0898511141 and is located at 53 Goundrey Rd, Mt Barker, WA 6324, New Zealand.
L A & I J Lelliott's nearest neighbor is Hambley F R at Locn 3286 Stothard Rd, Mt Barker, WA 6324.
Another number — (08) 9851 1162 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Albany exchange.
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International dialing: +61 898511141
Not available
Hambley F R
3.09 km
Locn 3286 Stothard Rd, Mt Barker, WA 6324
Grey Piers Egerton Wardburton
0.0 km
53 Goundrey Rd, Mt Barker, WA 6324
Nash S
3.29 km
Wragg Rd, Mt Barker, WA 6324
J R & A I Stone
2.75 km
278 Moorialup Rd, Napier, WA 6330
Lynn Kelly-Stothard
3.4 km
194 Stothard Rd, Mt Barker, WA 6324
Smith A K
0.46 km
432 Werburgh Rd, Mt Barker, WA 6324
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