Smith B holds the account for (08) 9754 7729 and is located at 6 Rivergum Pl, West Busselton, WA 6280, New Zealand.
Smith B's nearest neighbor is J D & L V Anderson at 7 Rivergum Pl, West Busselton, WA 6280.
This number is on the Bunbury, Busselton, Bridgetown, Collie exchange.
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(08) 9754 7729
International dialing: +61 897547729
Not available
J D & L V Anderson
0.1 km
7 Rivergum Pl, West Busselton, WA 6280
M A & A M Hegney
0.09 km
5 Rivergum Pl, West Busselton, WA 6280
Huitson Mrs C F
0.09 km
9 Rivergum Pl, West Busselton, WA 6280
P J Mattaboni
0.09 km
4 Rivergum Pl, West Busselton, WA 6280
L D Lucas
0.0 km
8 Rivergum Pl, West Busselton, WA 6280
Rowney Patricia
0.12 km
30 Kalgaritch Ave, West Busselton, WA 6280
Smith B is recorded as residing at 6 Rivergum Place, West Busselton. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 4,619 sqm. 6 Rivergum Place, West Busselton was last sold for $675,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
4,619 sqm
Last agent
First National - Busselton
Last sold date
Aug 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Department of Primary Industries Victoria (DPI)
Cole B. Smith
( Senior Biosecurity Officer (Biosecurity & Stakeholder Engagement Specialist))
ASC Pty Ltd
Angela B-Smith
( ILS - Codification)
Telstra SNP Monitoring
Simon B Smith
( Regional Manager Vic, Tas, SA, WA | P&L | M&A Integration | Executive Sales | Security Solutions)
Lana B Smith
( student)
Origin Energy
Cameron B Smith
( Strategic Planning Manager & Products and Services General Manager)
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