L A M Oakland holds the account for (08) 9459 2138 and is located at 3 Aroona Way, Maddington, WA 6109, New Zealand.
L A M Oakland's nearest neighbor is Gilbert Ms K at 100 Alcock St, Maddington, WA 6109.
This number is on the Perth exchange.
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(08) 9459 2138
International dialing: +61 894592138
Not available
Gilbert Ms K
0.02 km
100 Alcock St, Maddington, WA 6109
Oakland C
0.0 km
3 Aroona Way, Maddington, WA 6109
Burrows J
0.02 km
7 Aroona Wy, Maddington, WA 6109
Woodhill Iona
0.04 km
17 Cavalier Crt, Thornlie, WA 6108
C Varias
0.02 km
7 Aroona Way, Maddington, WA 6109
J Kemaracorbett
0.04 km
17 Cavalier Crt, Thornlie, WA 6108
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Oakland L A M
L A M Oakland is recorded as residing at 3 Aroona Way, Maddington. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 687 sqm. 3 Aroona Way, Maddington was last sold for $365,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
687 sqm
Last agent
For Sale By Owner Australia Pty Ltd - Balaclava
Last sold date
Jul 2012
Last sold value
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