Tran M holds the account for (08) 9454 2447 and is located at 15 Kiandra Way, High Wycombe, WA 6057, New Zealand.
Tran M's nearest neighbor is Darby T at 11 Wakefield Rd, High Wycombe, WA 6057.
This number is on the Perth exchange.
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(08) 9454 2447
International dialing: +61 894542447
Not available
Darby T
0.0 km
11 Wakefield Rd, High Wycombe, WA 6057
Darby T
0.0 km
11 Wakefield Rd, High Wycombe, WA 6057
N W Ogden
0.03 km
3 Wycombe Rd, High Wycombe, WA 6057
Stark Mrs E J
0.01 km
13 Kiandra Way, High Wycombe, WA 6057
Harvy A
0.03 km
15 Wakefield Rd, High Wycombe, WA 6057
Steffel E
0.02 km
1 Wycombe Rd, High Wycombe, WA 6057
Tran M is recorded as residing at 15 Kiandra Way, High Wycombe. This is a house. It has 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 909 sqm. 15 Kiandra Way, High Wycombe was last sold for $507,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
909 sqm
Last agent
LJ Hooker - Kalamunda and Foothills
Last sold date
Sep 2013
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Australian Taxation Office
Chi M. Tran
( Tax Help Volunteer)
Department of Education and Early Childhood
Christopher Tramm
( Teacher)
Drew Trahms
( Client Executive, Financial Services Group)
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