Jones C holds the account for (08) 9452 3527 and is located at 19 Aroona Way, Maddington, WA 6109, New Zealand.
Jones C's nearest neighbor is Edwards A at 3 Pintaudi Way, Maddington, WA 6109.
This number is on the Perth exchange.
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(08) 9452 3527
International dialing: +61 894523527
Not available
Edwards A
0.02 km
3 Pintaudi Way, Maddington, WA 6109
Joseph J
0.03 km
14 Aroona Way, Maddington, WA 6109
F Mohamed
0.03 km
8 Aroona Way, Maddington, WA 6109
Paku K
0.04 km
73 B Park Rd, Kenwick, WA 6107
Thaliath S
0.02 km
16 Aroona Way, Maddington, WA 6109
Cameron G
0.04 km
27 Aroona Way, Maddington, WA 6109
Jones C is recorded as residing at 19 Aroona Way, Maddington. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and car spaces. 19 Aroona Way, Maddington was last rented for $410.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Last agent
Moncrieff Realty - Attadale
Last rent value
Last rent date
Aug 2011
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
NSW Department of Education and Communities
Ian c Jones
( Deputy Principal)
Wayne C Jones
( Partner)
The Fundraising People
Jesse C. Jones
( Greenpeace National Campaign Field Manager)
Howard C. Jones
( Journalist)
David C Jones
( Cadet Property Developer)
Christopher C Jones (aka Chris Jones)
( writer, photographer and media artist)
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank
Philip E C Jones
( Head of Quantitative Analysis)
Susan Jones, Executive Assistant, C-Suite, MBA
( Senior Executive Assistant and Office Manager)
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