K Gopal holds the account for (08) 9342 6701 and is located at 24 Callison Way, Koondoola, WA 6064, New Zealand.
K Gopal's nearest neighbor is Gasper B M at 3 Rudkin Pl, Koondoola, WA 6064.
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(08) 9342 6701
International dialing: +61 893426701
Not available
Gasper B M
0.02 km
3 Rudkin Pl, Koondoola, WA 6064
MacDonald B
0.03 km
26 Callison Wy, Koondoola, WA 6064
MacDonald B
0.03 km
26 Callison Way, Koondoola, WA 6064
Azimi N A
0.03 km
34 Callison Way, Koondoola, WA 6064
Azimi J
0.03 km
34 Callison Way, Koondoola, WA 6064
V D Za
0.01 km
35 Callison Wy, Koondoola, WA 6064
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Gopal K
K Gopal is recorded as residing at 24 Callison Way, Koondoola. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 6 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 729 sqm. 24 Callison Way, Koondoola was last sold for $435,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
729 sqm
Last agent
Professionals Granger Clark Real Estate - Ballajur
Last sold date
Sep 2015
Last sold value
Listed value
over $459,000
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Arun K Gopal
( Associate Manager)
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
Mridula K Gopal
( Digital and Systems Analyst)
Northern Territory Government
Rajesh Gopali Rajesh Gopali
( Test Analyst)
Dindas Australia
Sandesh Gopali
( Yard member)
Sarchandra Gopali
( cook)
Laxman Gopali
( Senior Network Performance Engineer)
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