Hall N holds the account for (08) 8988 2338 and is located at 45 Paperbark Way, McMinns Lagoon, NT 0822, New Zealand.
Hall N's nearest neighbor is S J & Rahlf G Bacon at Paperbark Way, McMinns Lagoon, NT 0822.
Another number — 0889881535 — is also associated with this address.
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(08) 8988 2338
International dialing: +61 889882338
Not available
S J & Rahlf G Bacon
0.26 km
Paperbark Way, McMinns Lagoon, NT 0822
V Okafor
0.0 km
45 Paperbark Way, McMinns Lagoon, NT 0822
O'Hara J
0.26 km
23 Paperbark Way, McMinns Lagoon, NT 0822
Brigid McCullough
0.17 km
245 Power Rd, McMinns Lagoon, NT 0822
B J & J E McWilliam
0.26 km
Paperbark Way, McMinns Lagoon, NT 0822
J & A Ratajec
0.28 km
60 Paperbark Way, McMinns Lagoon, NT 0822
Hall N is recorded as residing at 45 Paperbark Way, Mcminns Lagoon. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 6 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 21,973 sqm. 45 Paperbark Way, Mcminns Lagoon was last sold for $615,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
21,973 sqm
Last sold date
Apr 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Courtney Halin
( Occupational therapist)
Estia Health
Halin Kwon
( Nursing Assistant)
Marie Halan
( Unemployed)
John Halan
( Drover)
Inna Halan
( Manager)
Transpacific Industries
Piet Halin
( JDE Business Systems Analyst)
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