D Brieffies holds the account for (08) 8988 1136 and is located at 270 Lowther Rd, Virgina, NT 0820, New Zealand.
D Brieffies's nearest neighbor is Brieffies J at 270 Lowther Rd, Virgina, NT 0820.
Another number — (08) 8988 5642 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Northern Territory (Alice Springs, Darwin) exchange.
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(08) 8988 1136
International dialing: +61 889881136
Not available
Brieffies J
0.0 km
270 Lowther Rd, Virgina, NT 0820
English Lloyd
0.2 km
85 Osbeck Rd, Virgina, NT 0820
Nalder J C
0.16 km
280 Lowther Rd, Virginia, NT 0835
G Bielefeld
0.16 km
1 - 280 Lowthers Rd, Virginia, NT 0834
B Pain
0.12 km
95 Osbeck Rd, Virginia, NT 0834
L Spoerl
0.12 km
100 Durian Rd, Virginia, NT 0834
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Gilda Brieffies
( Senior Rural & Remote Relief Radiographer)
James Cook University
Brendan Brieffies
( Veterinary Science Student)
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