Mrs Opie E Kay holds the account for (08) 8983 2525 and is located at 285 Gunn Point Rd, Howard Springs, NT 0835, New Zealand.
Mrs Opie E Kay's nearest neighbor is Anderson L at 8 Melaleuca Rd, Howard Springs, NT 0835.
Another number — 0419 319 587 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Northern Territory (Alice Springs, Darwin) exchange.
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(08) 8983 2525
International dialing: +61 889832525
Not available
Anderson L
0.22 km
8 Melaleuca Rd, Howard Springs, NT 0835
T Brennfleck
0.26 km
15 Bronzewing Ave, Howard Springs, NT 0835
J & N Cowley
0.12 km
25 Wagtail Crt, Howard Springs, NT 0835
A P Van-Der-Kolk
0.19 km
45 Wagtail Ct, Howard Springs, NT 0835
G Keetley
0.24 km
20 Melaleuca Rd, Howard Springs, NT 0835
N Hunt
0.11 km
295 Gunn Point Rd, Howard Springs, NT 0835
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Kay Opie E Mrs
285 Gunn Point Rd, Howard Springs, NT 0835
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