A J Schulze holds the account for (08) 8642 3094 and is located at 35 Nicholson Tce, Port Augusta, SA 5700, New Zealand.
A J Schulze's nearest neighbor is Brereton L at 31 Nicholson Tce, Port Augusta, SA 5700.
Another number — 0419 840 023 — is also associated with this address.
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(08) 8642 3094
International dialing: +61 886423094
Not available
Brereton L
0.02 km
31 Nicholson Tce, Port Augusta, SA 5700
Corbett J C
0.0 km
35 Nicholson Tce, Port Augusta, SA 5700
Hammer A G
0.08 km
6 Hodge St, Port Augusta, SA 5700
Jackson G
0.06 km
8 Hodge St, Port Augusta, SA 5700
Nicolai M
0.09 km
88 Elizabeth Tce, Port Augusta, SA 5700
Mr Damien Reddaway
0.09 km
88 Elizabeth Tce, Port Augusta, SA 5700
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Schulze A J
35 Nicholson Tce, Port Augusta, SA 5700
A J Schulze is recorded as residing at 15 SHIRLEY STREET, Port Augusta West. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. 15 SHIRLEY STREET, Port Augusta West was last sold for $312,000. 15 SHIRLEY STREET, Port Augusta West was last rented for $330.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Century 21 - Port Augusta (RLA 239943)
Last sold date
May 2012
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Sep 2015
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