T Panayiaris holds the account for 0885865582 and is located at 126 Sixteenth St, Renmark, SA 5341, New Zealand.
T Panayiaris's nearest neighbor is Aston E J & P C at 136 Sixteenth St, Renmark, SA 5341.
This number is on the Riverland, Murraylands exchange.
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International dialing: +61 885865582
Not available
Aston E J & P C
0.06 km
136 Sixteenth St, Renmark, SA 5341
Charnstrom Jake
0.08 km
113 Sixteenth St, Renmark, SA 5341
G R Guscott
0.09 km
142 Seventeenth St, Renmark, SA 5341
G L & E M Nuske
0.06 km
125 Fifteenth St, Renmark, SA 5341
Oloughlin J C & B A
0.03 km
130 Sixteenth St, Renmark, SA 5341
H Panayiaris
0.01 km
128 Sixteenth St, Renmark, SA 5341
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Panayiaris T
126 Sixteenth St, Renmark, SA 5341
T Panayiaris is recorded as residing at 126 Sixteenth Street, Renmark. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 649 sqm. 126 Sixteenth Street, Renmark was last sold for $120,000.
Property type
Block size
649 sqm
Last sold date
Jul 2008
Last sold value
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