W Miles holds the account for (08) 8566 3566 and is located at 67 Mildred St, Kapunda, SA 5373, New Zealand.
W Miles's nearest neighbor is Castley P P at 1 Christchurch St, Kapunda, SA 5373.
This number is on the Riverland, Murraylands exchange.
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(08) 8566 3566
International dialing: +61 885663566
Not available
Castley P P
1.15 km
1 Christchurch St, Kapunda, SA 5373
W Miles is recorded as residing at 67 Mildred Street, Kapunda. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 1,930 sqm. 67 Mildred Street, Kapunda was last sold for $104,000.
Property type
Block size
1,930 sqm
Last sold date
Sep 1998
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Amilee Cullen
( nil)
Baker & McKenzie
Amilee Myson
( Legal Secretary)
Department of Justice
Emilee Pisano
( Human Resource Officer)
Kmart Australia Limited
Emilee Pledge
( Retail Assistant)
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD)
Emilee Trinder
( Executive Administration Support Officer - Prince of Wales Hospital)
Priceline Pharmacy
Emilee Ratcliffe
( Sales Assistant)
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