D Bashford holds the account for (08) 8566 2186 and is located at 21 Truscott St, Kapunda, SA 5373, New Zealand.
D Bashford's nearest neighbor is Castley P P at 1 Christchurch St, Kapunda, SA 5373.
This number is on the Riverland, Murraylands exchange.
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(08) 8566 2186
International dialing: +61 885662186
Not available
Castley P P
1.59 km
1 Christchurch St, Kapunda, SA 5373
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Bashford D
21 Truscott St, Kapunda, SA 5373
D Bashford is recorded as residing at 21 Truscott Street, Kapunda. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 3,894 sqm. 21 Truscott Street, Kapunda was last sold for $115,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Block size
3,894 sqm
Last sold date
Mar 2002
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Opal Aged Care
Kristy Bashford
( Assistant in Nursing)
Bashford Paul
( Principal Technical Adviser)
David Jones
Alison Bashford
( Sales Supervisor)
Ricoh Australia
Andrew Bashford
( Service Strategy Manager)
Suzanne Bashford
( Retired)
Pharma People Connect for Charity
cliff bashford
( Trainer)
Finlay Bashford
( Counter Sales)
Aquenta Consulting Pty Ltd
Ailin Bashford
( Quantity Surveyor)
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