MacKenzie M holds the account for (08) 8344 9068 and is located at 15 Miller St, Prospect, SA 5082, New Zealand.
MacKenzie M's nearest neighbor is Hawkins R & J at 158 Francis St, Belmont, VIC 3216.
This number is on the Adelaide exchange.
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(08) 8344 9068
International dialing: +61 883449068
Not available
Hawkins R & J
0.02 km
158 Francis St, Belmont, VIC 3216
MacKenzie H
0.0 km
15 Miller St, Prospect, SA 5082
Nolan Peter G
0.0 km
156 Francis St, Belmont, VIC 3216
Roth S
0.01 km
129 Francis St, Belmont, VIC 3216
Winch P
0.01 km
154 Francis St, Belmont, VIC 3216
Mallows Ms C
0.02 km
133 Francis St, Belmont, VIC 3216
MacKenzie M is recorded as residing at 15 Miller Street, Prospect. This is a house. It has 1 bedrooms, bathrooms, and car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 402 sqm. 15 Miller Street, Prospect was last sold for $180,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Block size
402 sqm
Last sold date
Oct 2009
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Mackenzie Beer
( Sandwich Artist)
Melbourne Health
Mackenzie a
( Nurse Unit Manager)
Mackenzie de la Hunty
( Corporate Trainer)
UTS: University of Technology, Sydney
Mackenzie de la Hunty
( Teaching Associate)
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