Chernih P holds the account for (08) 6161 7685 and is located at 30 Pontiac Av, Cloverdale, WA 6105, New Zealand.
Chernih P's nearest neighbor is L Everett at 28 Pontiac Ave, Cloverdale, WA 6105.
This number is on the Perth exchange.
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(08) 6161 7685
International dialing: +61 861617685
Not available
L Everett
0.01 km
28 Pontiac Ave, Cloverdale, WA 6105
Billings D
0.03 km
24 Pontiac Ave, Cloverdale, WA 6105
P R Glenny
0.01 km
413 Abernethy Rd, Cloverdale, WA 6105
I Katherayson
0.02 km
417 Abernethy Rd, Cloverdale, WA 6105
Forde T
0.09 km
106 Arlunya Ave, Cloverdale, WA 6105
Alderson R P
0.02 km
145 Keane St, Cloverdale, WA 6105
Chernih P is recorded as residing at 30 Pontiac Avenue, Cloverdale. This is a apartment. It has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. 30 Pontiac Avenue, Cloverdale was last rented for $425.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Centrepoint Realty - East Perth
Last rent value
Last rent date
May 2015
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
NSW Public Works
Anna Chernih
( Project Manager)
Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
Marina Chernih
( Orthopaedic PHO)
Health Infrastructure
Anna Chernih
( Project Director)
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