Van Den Heuvel Ruuben holds the account for (07) 5471 1348 and is located at 345 Duke Rd, Doonan, QLD 4562, New Zealand.
Van Den Heuvel Ruuben's nearest neighbor is P Gilbertson at 23 Valley Crt, Doonan, QLD 4562.
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(07) 5471 1348
International dialing: +61 754711348
Not available
P Gilbertson
0.1 km
23 Valley Crt, Doonan, QLD 4562
Harder A
0.18 km
358 Duke Rd, Doonan, QLD 4562
Schwerdt D N & S
0.11 km
339 Duke Rd, Doonan, QLD 4562
Spargo M
0.16 km
357 Duke Rd, Doonan, QLD 4562
Smith G A
0.0 km
345 Duke Rd, Doonan, QLD 4562
Trill A
0.16 km
357 Duke Rd, Doonan, QLD 4562
Van Den Heuvel Ruuben is recorded as residing at 345 Duke Road, Doonan. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. 345 Duke Road, Doonan was last sold for $870,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent - Cooroy (Noosa)
Last sold date
Aug 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Ruuben van den Heuvel
( Head of Music Partnerships - Asia Pacific, Google Play)
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