MacKay R holds the account for (07) 5465 8356 and is located at 9 Haslingden Rd, Lockyer Waters, QLD 4311, New Zealand.
MacKay R's nearest neighbor is A C Hibbard at 8 Haslingden Rd, Lockyer Waters, QLD 4311.
This number is on the Sunshine Coast, Esk, Nambour, Gatton, Caboolture exchange.
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(07) 5465 8356
International dialing: +61 754658356
Not available
A C Hibbard
0.55 km
8 Haslingden Rd, Lockyer Waters, QLD 4311
Dwyer K
0.48 km
17 Haslingden Rd, Lockyer Waters, QLD 4311
T A Lamb
0.48 km
17 Haslingden Rd, Lockyer Waters, QLD 4311
A L & M E McLeay
0.5 km
1 Haslingden Rd, Lockyer Waters, QLD 4311
D Pates
0.56 km
19 Haslingden Rd, Lockyer Waters, QLD 4311
R V & L M Randall
0.3 km
13 Haslingden Rd, Lockyer Waters, QLD 4311
MacKay R is recorded as residing at 9 Haslingden Road, Lockyer Waters. This is a house. It is situated on a parcel of land of 164,200 sqm. 9 Haslingden Road, Lockyer Waters was last sold for $211,000.
Property type
Block size
164,200 sqm
Last sold date
Jul 2011
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Raine & Horne
R and H Mackay, Mackay Beaches and Moranbah
( Real Estate)
SA Country Fire Service
Mick Ayre
( Director, Regional Operations)
SIRVA Worldwide Relocation & Moving
Mark Ayres
( Customer Service Supervisor - Claims)
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