E Patchett holds the account for 0754459603 and is located at 15 Glenkeith Pl, Eudlo, QLD 4554, New Zealand.
E Patchett's nearest neighbor is Angus F at 15 Glenkeith Pl, Eudlo, QLD 4554.
Another number — (07) 5445 0491 — is also associated with this address.
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International dialing: +61 754459603
Not available
Angus F
0.0 km
15 Glenkeith Pl, Eudlo, QLD 4554
M Cuthbertson-Bray
0.15 km
280 Highlands Rd, Eudlo, QLD 4554
Eaton C F
0.16 km
304 Highlands Rd, Eudlo, QLD 4554
Jeff Sloman Designer Builder
0.15 km
Jeff's Mobile Mobile Service 280 Highlands Rd, Eudlo, QLD 4554
M Nagle
0.21 km
310 A Highlands Rd, Eudlo, QLD 4554
D & J Thomson
0.1 km
308 Highlands Rd, Eudlo, QLD 4554
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Patchett E
15 Glenkeith Pl, Eudlo, QLD 4554
E Patchett is recorded as residing at 15 Glenkeith Place, Eudlo. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. 15 Glenkeith Place, Eudlo was last sold for $470,000. 15 Glenkeith Place, Eudlo was last rented for $450.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Palmwoods Real Estate - Palmwoods
Last sold date
May 2009
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
May 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Fenner Dunlop Australia Pty Ltd
Ivan Patchett
( Coordinator)
Cathay Pacific Airways
Maxwell Patchett
( Semi Retired)
OBrien Real Estate
Lauren Patchett
( Client Services Assistant)
Uniting AgeWell
Allison Patchett
( General Manager Innovation and Development)
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