May K holds the account for (07) 5445 9395 and is located at 159 Chevallum Rd, Palmwoods, QLD 4555, New Zealand.
May K's nearest neighbor is Ansell D J at 67 Rainforest Rd, Tanawha, QLD 4556.
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(07) 5445 9395
International dialing: +61 754459395
Not available
Ansell D J
0.18 km
67 Rainforest Rd, Tanawha, QLD 4556
B Lea
0.2 km
16 Gallaghers Rd, Tanawha, QLD 4556
P Russell
0.2 km
50 Rainforest Rd, Chevallum, QLD 4555
Cooper C
0.0 km
53 Rainforest Rd, Tanawha, QLD 4556
Modra J
0.0 km
159 Chevallum Rd, Palmwoods, QLD 4555
S Pennisi
0.08 km
55-57 Rainforest Rd, Tanawha, QLD 4556
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Sirl B
159 Chevallum Rd, Palmwoods, QLD 4555
May K is recorded as residing at 159 Chevallum Road, Palmwoods. This is a house. It has 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 4 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 39,987 sqm. 159 Chevallum Road, Palmwoods was last sold for $750,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
39,987 sqm
Last agent
Century 21 Coastal - Caloundra
Last sold date
Dec 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Centacare: Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton
Warren Sirl
( Yard maintenance)
Kristie Sirl
( Salesperson)
Melanie Sirl
( Electrical Trade Assistant)
BVN Architecture
Marc Sirl
( IT: Desktop Support)
Louisa Sirl
( HR Business Partner)
Childcare Services
Cath Sirl
( Operations Manager)
Qld Health
Cassandra Sirl
( Opperational)
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