Skudder L holds the account for (07) 5427 0892 and is located at 6 Bolingbroke St, Fernvale, QLD 4306, New Zealand.
Skudder L's nearest neighbor is Baldacchino G & at 16 Willowood Pl, Fernvale, QLD 4306.
Another number — 0466 910 125 — is also associated with this address.
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(07) 5427 0892
International dialing: +61 754270892
Not available
Baldacchino G &
0.04 km
16 Willowood Pl, Fernvale, QLD 4306
Doe K
0.09 km
17 Willowood Pl, Fernvale, QLD 4306
Miss D Kober
0.0 km
6 Crystal Wood Crt, Fernvale, QLD 4306
Mr J & M Fahey
0.03 km
46 Clive St, Fernvale, QLD 4306
McLean C L
0.0 km
6 Bolingbroke St, Fernvale, QLD 4306
Russell R
0.01 km
80 Carralluma Crs, Fernvale, QLD 4306
Skudder L is recorded as residing at 6 Bolingbroke Street, Fernvale. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 600 sqm. 6 Bolingbroke Street, Fernvale was last sold for $275,000. 6 Bolingbroke Street, Fernvale was last rented for $300pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
600 sqm
Last agent
Elders Real Estate - Ipswich
Last sold date
Sep 2013
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Jul 2012
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Karen Skudder
( gogo fixer)
Self Employed Independent Peoplesoft Consultant
Col Skudder
( Ship Captain releiving)
Luxottica Group
Sarah Skudder
( Retail Store Manager)
Richard Skudder
( Labourer/Operator)
Electoral Commission Queensland
Zane Skudder
( IT Systems Administrator)
IGA Supermarkets
Millicent Skudder
( Retail Sales)
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