R F Sykes holds the account for (07) 4939 1753 and is located at 444 Cobraball Rd, Cobraball, QLD 4703, New Zealand.
R F Sykes's nearest neighbor is K Byrne at 445 Cobraball Rd, Cobraball, QLD 4703.
Another number — 0400 960 189 — is also associated with this address.
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(07) 4939 1753
International dialing: +61 749391753
Not available
K Byrne
0.59 km
445 Cobraball Rd, Cobraball, QLD 4703
Grice D
0.0 km
444 Cobraball Rd, Cobraball, QLD 4703
L A Grice
0.0 km
444 Cobraball Rd, Cobraball, QLD 4703
S K Paton
0.45 km
456 Cobraball Rd, Cobraball, QLD 4703
J & S D Annand
0.58 km
476 Cobraball Rd, Cobraball, QLD 4703
Skilbeck B
0.0 km
444 Cobraball Rd, Cobraball, QLD 4703
R F Sykes is recorded as residing at 444 Cobraball Road, Cobraball. This is a house . It is situated on a parcel of land of 762,860 sqm. 444 Cobraball Road, Cobraball was last sold for $970,000.
Block size
762,860 sqm
Last sold date
Sep 2007
Last sold value
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