C McCoombes holds the account for 0738130026 and is located at 24 Tranquillity Crcle, Brassall, QLD 4305, New Zealand.
C McCoombes's nearest neighbor is Harris L J at 20 Shiloh Crt, Pine Mountain, QLD 4306.
This number is on the Brisbane, Bribie Island exchange.
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International dialing: +61 738130026
Not available
Harris L J
0.1 km
20 Shiloh Crt, Pine Mountain, QLD 4306
O'Mahony T J & K L
0.06 km
Josette Pl, Pine Mountain, QLD 4306
Pascoe D & J
0.24 km
15 Appaloosa Pl, Pine Mountain, QLD 4306
A V Parker
0.2 km
10 Josette Pl, Pine Mountain, QLD 4306
Saeheng Romana
0.14 km
24 Shiloh Crt, Pine Mountain, QLD 4306
K J Shelton
0.19 km
28 Shiloh Crt, Pine Mountain, QLD 4306
This number was previously registered in the following names:
McCoombes C
24 Tranquillity Crcle, Brassall, QLD 4305
C McCoombes is recorded as residing at 7 Josette Place, Pine Mountain. This is a land. It is situated on a parcel of land of 5,177 sqm. 7 Josette Place, Pine Mountain was last sold for $180,000. 7 Josette Place, Pine Mountain was last rented for $185,000pw.
Property type
Block size
5,177 sqm
Last agent
Go Gecko - Ipswich
Last sold date
Jun 2013
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Jul 2013
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