Munawar A holds the account for (07) 3208 3962 and is located at 4 Evelyn St, Slacks Creek, QLD 4127, New Zealand.
Munawar A's nearest neighbor is Abbott K at 86 Wagensveldt St, Slacks Creek, QLD 4127.
Another number — (07) 3208 8422 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Brisbane, Bribie Island exchange.
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(07) 3208 3962
International dialing: +61 732083962
Not available
Abbott K
0.04 km
86 Wagensveldt St, Slacks Creek, QLD 4127
M Barnett
0.04 km
5 Esplen St, Slacks Creek, QLD 4127
Gardner Miss T
0.0 km
10 Evelyn St, Slacks Creek, QLD 4127
Leon S
0.0 km
8 Evelyn St, Slacks Creek, QLD 4127
Semyraha L A
0.01 km
12 Evelyn St, Slacks Creek, QLD 4127
Jordan R
0.0 km
4 Evelyn St, Slacks Creek, QLD 4127
Munawar A is recorded as residing at 4 Evelyn Street, Slacks Creek. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. 4 Evelyn Street, Slacks Creek was last sold for $230,000. 4 Evelyn Street, Slacks Creek was last rented for $300.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Browns Plains Real Estate
Last sold date
Nov 2013
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Jul 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Munawar A. Jakhro
( Commissioning Engineer)
General Mills
Oneeb Munawar
( Sourcing Lead AUNZ - Indirects)
Fuji Xerox Australia
Ali Munawar
( Business Analyst)
Abid Munawar
( Job hunting in Australia in Industrial Automation sector)
Wateen Telecom
Zahid Munawar
( Projects - Field Engineering Support)
Goodstart Early Learning
sehar munawar
( Qualified assistant)
University of New South Wales
Munawar Sarker
( Student)
Lyell McEwin Hospital
Munawar Rana
( Anaesthetist)
Woolworths Limited
Munawar Mian
( Business Analyst)
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