Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Ngati Kahungunu O Te holds the account for 06-838 6813 and is located at Kitchener St Wairoa, New Zealand.
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Ngati Kahungunu O Te 's nearest neighbor is Bishop W S C & E R at 64 Kitchener St Wairoa 4108.
Another number — 06-838 7099 — is also associated with this address.
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06-838 6813
International dialing: +64 68386813
Not available
Bishop W S C & E R
0.08 km
64 Kitchener St Wairoa 4108
HealthCare NZ
0.0 km
Kitchener St Wairoa
Redshaw I C
0.0 km
Kitchener St Wairoa 4108
Smit J J
0.03 km
45 Kitchener St Wairoa 4108
Wallace K P
0.06 km
111 Clyde Rd Wairoa 4108
Woon P N
0.11 km
113 Clyde Rd Wairoa 4108
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