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Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Tamaki Nui-A-Rua

Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Tamaki Nui-A-Rua holds the account for 06-374 5858 and is located at Makirikiri Rd Dannevirke, New Zealand.

Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Tamaki Nui-A-Rua's nearest neighbor is Blair K L at 58 Weber Rd Dannevirke 4971.

Another number — 06-374 9417 — is also associated with this address.

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06-374 5858

International dialing: +64 63745858


Not available



Makirikiri Rd Dannevirke

Open in Google Maps


Blair K L 0.78 km
58 Weber Rd Dannevirke 4971

Boyle J R & K M 0.0 km
Makirikiri Rd Dannevirke 5491

Canterbury Spinners 0.64 km
Miller St Dannevirke

Edwards J M 0.0 km
Makirikiri Rd Dannevirke

Lancaster Tractor Services Ltd 0.0 km
8 Makirikiri Rd Dannevirke

Neal B & Mikkelsen E 0.7 km
62 Weber Rd Dannevirke 4971


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