Saunders N & D holds the account for 0418 947 345 and is located at 55 Henry Rd, York, WA 6302, New Zealand.
Saunders N & D's nearest neighbor is Critchlow G at 72 Newcastle St, York, WA 6302.
Another number — (08) 9641 2430 — is also associated with this address.
This number is also associated with Dot Saunders.
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0418 947 345
International dialing: +61 418947345
Not available
Critchlow G
0.17 km
72 Newcastle St, York, WA 6302
Deklerk A
0.14 km
42 Cardwell Rd, York, WA 6302
W Collins
0.1 km
20 Radnor Rd, York, WA 6302
Olsson R & I
0.1 km
19 Radnor Rd, York, WA 6302
Parker B D & R A
0.1 km
76 Newcastle St, York, WA 6302
Saunders N & D
0.0 km
55 Henry Rd, York, WA 6302
This number was previously registered in the following names:
N Saunders
55 Henry Rd, York, WA 6302
Saunders N & D is recorded as residing at 55 HENRY ROAD, York. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 2,893 sqm. 55 HENRY ROAD, York was last sold for $399,950.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
2,893 sqm
Last agent
McMahon Real Estate - North Perth
Last sold date
Oct 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Wodonga Council
Kev n eve Saunders
( Revenue Manager)
Queensland University of Technology
Ellie 1 Saunders
( student)
Marcos D. Saunders
( person)
Ruby G Saunders-Mills
( HR Gradute)
Kmart Australia Limited
Ruby G Saunders-Mills
( People and Capability Business Partner)
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