Hamed S holds the account for 0402 471 631 and is located at 3 Panorama Dr, Windsor Gardens, SA 5087, New Zealand.
Hamed S's nearest neighbor is I Fazzalari at 9 Panorama Drv, Windsor Gardens, SA 5087.
This number is also associated with Maria Abernethy.
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0402 471 631
International dialing: +61 402471631
Not available
I Fazzalari
0.02 km
9 Panorama Drv, Windsor Gardens, SA 5087
K Guerin
0.03 km
4 Scenic Drv, Windsor Gardens, SA 5087
Mason J
0.02 km
6 Scenic Dr, Windsor Gardens, SA 5087
Parmiter R C & C J
0.01 km
8 Scenic Drv, Windsor Gardens, SA 5087
Priestley J
0.0 km
5 Panorama Drv, Windsor Gardens, SA 5087
Baak W
0.06 km
10 Panorama Dr, Windsor Gardens, SA 5087
Hamed S is recorded as residing at 3 Panorama Drive, Windsor Gardens. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 583 sqm. 3 Panorama Drive, Windsor Gardens was last sold for $155,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
583 sqm
Last agent
Ray White Glynde
Last sold date
Jun 2002
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
The University of Newcastle
Dr S A Hamed Hosseini
( Senior Lecturer)
Barwon Health
Yassar Hameed
( Nuclear Medicine Technologist)
Bupa Aged Care Australia
Vicky Hamed
( Enrolled Nurse)
Redwan Hamed
( Paralegal)
Griffith University
Meighan Hames
( Campus Finance Officer)
Object Consulting
Roslyn Hames
( Senior Account Manager)
Tutoring For Excellence
Nazra Hameed
( Maths and Sciences Tutor)
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