L Ostrowski holds the account for (03) 9817 2344 and is located at 45 Kent St, Kew, VIC 3101, New Zealand.
L Ostrowski's nearest neighbor is Ball Robert H at 32 Ridgeway Ave, Kew, VIC 3101.
This number is on the Melbourne exchange.
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(03) 9817 2344
International dialing: +61 398172344
Not available
Ball Robert H
0.02 km
32 Ridgeway Ave, Kew, VIC 3101
Naicker S
0.01 km
34 Ridgeway Ave, Kew, VIC 3101
J A C Ruddle
0.02 km
38 Ridgeway Ave, Kew, VIC 3101
S Sutherland
0.01 km
36 Ridgeway Ave, Kew, VIC 3101
Swinden R W
0.02 km
32 Ridgeway Ave, Kew, VIC 3101
Trestan C
0.01 km
34 Ridgeway Ave, Kew, VIC 3101
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Ostrowski L
45 Kent St, Kew, VIC 3101
L Ostrowski is recorded as residing at 45 Kent Street, Kew. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 851 sqm. 45 Kent Street, Kew was last sold for $1,510,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
851 sqm
Last agent
Jellis Craig - Hawthorn
Last sold date
24 Sep 2013
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Bunnings Warehouse
William Ostrowsky
( Team Member)
Private Tutoring
Isabelle Ostrowski
( Maths and Physics Tutor)
Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology
J.ostrowski Ostrowski
( Scientific Officer)
Hunter Water Australia
Peter Ostrowski
( Facility & Asset Maintenance)
David Jones
Aiden Ostrowski
( sales assistant)
SAI Global
Vicki Ostrowski
( APAC Controller - Compliance Division)
Redflex Traffic Systems
Serena Ostrowski
( Human Resources Coordinator)
Luke Ostrowski
( Senior Brand Manager - Asia Pacific)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Research Division
kylie ostrowski
( teller)
St Vincentâs Health Network Sydney
Kevin Ostrowski
( Emergency Registrar)
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