McNamara S holds the account for (03) 9735 5394 and is located at 5 Baker St, Lilydale, VIC 3140, New Zealand.
McNamara S's nearest neighbor is Blake S at 14 Rouke St, Lilydale, VIC 3140.
This number is on the Melbourne exchange.
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(03) 9735 5394
International dialing: +61 397355394
Not available
Blake S
0.03 km
14 Rouke St, Lilydale, VIC 3140
Buzzelli A S
0.01 km
3a Baker St, Lilydale, VIC 3140
C Mangubat-Morte
0.01 km
3 Baker St, Lilydale, VIC 3140
M Di Battista
0.01 km
17 Kidgell St, Lilydale, VIC 3140
J H Hallas
0.01 km
15 Kidgell St, Lilydale, VIC 3140
Khiteng S
0.0 km
5 Baker St, Lilydale, VIC 3140
McNamara S is recorded as residing at 5 Baker Street, Lilydale. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. 5 Baker Street, Lilydale was last rented for $320.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Stockdale & Leggo - Croydon
Last rent value
Last rent date
Dec 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
RMIT University
Iarlaith Mcnamara
( Masters of Information Technology)
Angus & Coote
Maddison McNamara
( Sales Professional)
Scottie Mcnamara
( Painter)
Bluestone Mortgages
Shan McNamara
( BDM Desk Based NSW & ACT)
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