Reeder B holds the account for (03) 9712 0431 and is located at 200 Menzies Rd, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097, New Zealand.
Reeder B's nearest neighbor is P & D Bassett-Smith at 40 Bourchiers Rd, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097.
This number is on the Melbourne exchange.
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(03) 9712 0431
International dialing: +61 397120431
Not available
P & D Bassett-Smith
0.28 km
40 Bourchiers Rd, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097
Smith R & J Bassett
0.38 km
20 Bourchiers Rd, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097
R J & J Ensor
0.47 km
230 Menzies Rd, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097
Bruce W Hinkley
0.32 km
170 Menzies Rd, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097
M Hinkley
0.32 km
170 Menzies Rd, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097
A D & J M Rowe
0.4 km
250 Menzies Rd, Kangaroo Ground, VIC 3097
Reeder B is recorded as residing at 200 Menzies Road, Kangaroo Ground. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 83,332 sqm. 200 Menzies Road, Kangaroo Ground was last sold for $1,050,500.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
83,332 sqm
Last agent
Jellis Craig Blackburn
Last sold date
Aug 2014
Last sold value
Listed value
$950,000 - $1,050,000
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Vivienne Reeder
( cleaner)
Skippers aviation
Ian Reeders
( Licensed Aircraft Engineer)
National Australia Bank
Duncan Reeder
( Consulting Business Analyst)
chelsea reeder
( traveller)
Orange City Council
Allan Reeder
( Communications Officer)
CUA - Credit Union Australia Limited
Zachary Reeder
( Desktop Support Officer)
ACT Government
jim reeder
( physiotherapist)
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