Urquhart R holds the account for (03) 9435 4978 and is located at 17 Paton St, Montmorency, VIC 3094, New Zealand.
Urquhart R's nearest neighbor is D Bilotta at 32 Sylvan St, Montmorency, VIC 3094.
This number is on the Melbourne exchange.
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(03) 9435 4978
International dialing: +61 394354978
Not available
D Bilotta
0.01 km
32 Sylvan St, Montmorency, VIC 3094
Stephen Nailer
0.03 km
28 Sylvan St, Montmorency, VIC 3094
J Grishchenkov
0.01 km
15 Paton St, Montmorency, VIC 3094
Mitchell S & K
0.01 km
15 Paton St, Montmorency, VIC 3094
R Urquhart
0.0 km
17 Paton St, Montmorency, VIC 3094
Hong C
0.01 km
32 Sylvan St, Montmorency, VIC 3094
Urquhart R is recorded as residing at 17 Paton Street, Montmorency. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 732 sqm. 17 Paton Street, Montmorency was last sold for $561,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
732 sqm
Last agent
Buckingham & Company Estate Agents - Greensborough
Last sold date
20 Aug 2013
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
The Coffee Club
Madeleine Urquhart
( Barista/waitress)
Place Estate Agents
Jessika Urquhart
( Personal Assistant)
GE Capital
Callie Urquhart
( New Accounts Frontline Associate)
Marie Claire Australia
Maddison Urquhart
( Editorial Intern)
NSW Police Force
Ranald Urquhart
( Detective Senior Sergeant | Investigations Manager)
Steadfast IRS Pty Limited
Mick Urquhart
( Broker)
Saunders Havill Group
Clinton Urquhart
( Senior Surveyor)
Metro South Health
Ashleigh Urquhart
( Clinical Nurse Consultant - Cardiac Rehabilitation)
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