Murphy P holds the account for (03) 9372 9312 and is located at 73 Munro St, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032, New Zealand.
Murphy P's nearest neighbor is Dres A at 69 Munro St, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032.
This number is on the Melbourne exchange.
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(03) 9372 9312
International dialing: +61 393729312
Not available
Dres A
0.01 km
69 Munro St, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032
Hopkins G & T L
0.01 km
65 Munro St, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032
Lacey T
0.02 km
74 Munro St, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032
Lee J
0.02 km
78 Munro St, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032
Mirenda N
0.03 km
88 Munro St, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032
Valastro D
0.01 km
75 Munro St, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032
Murphy P is recorded as residing at 73 Munro Street, Ascot Vale. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. 73 Munro Street, Ascot Vale was last rented for $625.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Maddison Estate Agents - Ascot Vale
Last rent value
Last rent date
Jun 2013
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
P. A. Murphy Murphy
( Mrs)
Tim P Murphy
( Verification Officer)
BHP Billiton
Sean P. Murphy
( Project Manager)
KONE Corporation
Deyon .P. Murphy
( Buisness Consultant Modernisation Solutions)
Murphy A
( Business Analyst)
ISS Facility Services Australia
Crystal Murphy jp
( Executive Assistant)
Wilson Security
Crystal Murphy JP
( Coordinator Strategic Projects)
Bluefin Resources
Chris Murphy â
( Manager - IT & Solution Sales | Pre-Sales | Consulting)
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