Singh J holds the account for (03) 8742 2413 and is located at 16 Gretel Way, Tarneit, VIC 3029, New Zealand.
Singh J's nearest neighbor is Devalle Jacquie at 114 Hamish Drv, Tarneit, VIC 3029.
Another number — 0421 465 888 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Melbourne exchange.
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(03) 8742 2413
International dialing: +61 387422413
Not available
Devalle Jacquie
0.0 km
114 Hamish Drv, Tarneit, VIC 3029
Danskin C J
0.01 km
120 Hamish Dr, Tarneit, VIC 3029
Davidson P
0.01 km
120 Hamish Drv, Tarneit, VIC 3029
McWilliam C R
0.01 km
6 Crana Crt, Hoppers Crossing, VIC 3029
Singh J
0.0 km
16 Gretel Way, Tarneit, VIC 3029
Singh J
0.0 km
16 Gretel Way, Tarneit, VIC 3029
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Nanda S
16 Gretel Way, Tarneit, VIC 3029
Singh J is recorded as residing at 16 Gretel Way, Tarneit. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. 16 Gretel Way, Tarneit was last rented for $290.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Last rent value
Last rent date
Apr 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Nanda Nanda
( System Analyst/Support)
Swiss Re
Veranita Nanda
( HR Advisor)
Verbum Traducción y Edición
Apriya Nanda
( impor expor)
AMP Capital
Suvi Nanda
( Commercial Finance Manager)
Sugandhit Nanda
( -)
NRMA Motoring and Services
Supritee Nanda
( Technical Business Analyst)
Ishmeet Nanda
( Senior Consultant / Manager)
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