R McDade holds the account for (03) 8307 8708 and is located at 330 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028, New Zealand.
R McDade's nearest neighbor is Papastergiou B at 40 Taegtow Way, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028.
This number is on the Melbourne exchange.
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(03) 8307 8708
International dialing: +61 383078708
Not available
Papastergiou B
0.06 km
40 Taegtow Way, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
Kyla Ross K
0.04 km
35 Taegtow Way, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
Alhawli H
0.03 km
324 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
Marchioni J
0.04 km
322 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
Boksan K
0.02 km
45 Taegtow Wy, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
R Reynolds
0.0 km
39 Taegtow Way, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
This number was previously registered in the following names:
McDade R
330 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
R McDade is recorded as residing at 330 Victoria Street, Altona Meadows. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 527 sqm. 330 Victoria Street, Altona Meadows was last sold for $334,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
527 sqm
Last agent
Sweeney Estate Agents Altona/Point Cook
Last sold date
19 Oct 2007
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Miri McDade
( Freelance Researcher)
Ally Mcdade
( Associate Director)
Caro Consulting Solutions
Angus McDade
( Accountant)
CB&I Kentz Joint Venture
Carol McDade
( Senior Project Engineer (Electrical & Instrumentation))
Stamford Hotels and Resorts
Chloe McDade
( Conference & Events Executive)
Education Queensland
annette mcdade
( teacher)
William McDade
( Operator)
Coca-Cola Amatil
Wendy Mcdade
( manager consumer information centre)
Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd
Susan McDade
( Personal Assistant)
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