Dean H E holds the account for (03) 6352 4472 and is located at 51 West Minstone Rd, Scottsdale, TAS 7260, New Zealand.
Dean H E's nearest neighbor is E Hermans at 35 West Minstone Rd, Scottsdale, TAS 7260.
This number is on the Launceston exchange.
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(03) 6352 4472
International dialing: +61 363524472
Not available
E Hermans
0.13 km
35 West Minstone Rd, Scottsdale, TAS 7260
Miss B Jetson
0.11 km
28 West Minstone Rd, Scottsdale, TAS 7260
G Walters
0.0 km
49 West Minstone Rd, Scottsdale, TAS 7260
Young S J
0.09 km
53 West Minstone Rd, Scottsdale, TAS 7260
Blackwell Mark Anthony
0.33 km
10 West Minstone Rd, Scottsdale, TAS 7260
Bruce T J
0.31 km
12 West Minstone Rd, Scottsdale, TAS 7260
Dean H E is recorded as residing at 51 West Minstone Road, Scottsdale. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 3 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 1,894 sqm. 51 West Minstone Road, Scottsdale was last sold for $217,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
1,894 sqm
Building size
938 sqm
Last agent
Quixell - Launceston Metro
Last sold date
Nov 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Citipointe Christian College Brisbane
Dean.1.citipointe Le Petit
( Citipointe Christian College P-12 Football Coordinator)
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