Lee A holds the account for (03) 6267 9860 and is located at 14 Rannah St, Electrona, TAS 7054, New Zealand.
Lee A's nearest neighbor is Briston A at 18 Rannah St, Electrona, TAS 7054.
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(03) 6267 9860
International dialing: +61 362679860
Not available
Briston A
0.03 km
18 Rannah St, Electrona, TAS 7054
P J Conley
0.07 km
8 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
M T Cato
0.03 km
23 Rannah St, Electrona, TAS 7054
C Etherington
0.04 km
10 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
Langworthy L
0.02 km
16 Rannah St, Electrona, TAS 7054
Merilyn Rowlands
0.08 km
20 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
Lee A is recorded as residing at 14 Rannah Street, Electrona. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 687 sqm. 14 Rannah Street, Electrona was last sold for $362,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
687 sqm
Building size
170 sqm
Last agent
Signature For Property - Rosny
Last sold date
Apr 2012
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Leea Work
( Corporate Services Initiative Lead)
Kmart Australia Limited
Leea Smid
( Appeal team member)
NSW Health
Leea Jones
( Amissions Service Manger)
Leea Johnston
( Retail Manager)
Bupa Australia & New Zealand
Leea Grover
( Process and development manager)
Department of Defence of Australia
Leea Davidson
( Executive Officer)
Cox Purtell Staffing Services
Leea Taylor
( Recruitment Consultant)
QinetiQ Australia
Leea Davidson
( Senior Consultant)
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