Holmes S holds the account for (03) 6267 9528 and is located at 9 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054, New Zealand.
Holmes S's nearest neighbor is Conrades G at 14 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054.
Another number — (03) 6267 9544 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Hobart exchange.
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(03) 6267 9528
International dialing: +61 362679528
Not available
Conrades G
0.06 km
14 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
Conrades G B & J I
0.06 km
14 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
A Dabravolski
0.0 km
9 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
B Donohue
0.06 km
15 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
Keeling J
0.04 km
11 Staff Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
M Kowalski
0.08 km
16 Pothana Rd, Electrona, TAS 7054
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
S Holmes
( CEO)
Cranbrook School
Jane Holmes à Court
( K-6 Music Co-Ordinator)
Charter Hall
Campbell Holmes a Court
( Head of Retail Property Management & Leasing)
Seven Affiliate Sales
Nicola Holmes a Court
( Sales Executive)
John Holland
Janet Holmes a Court
( Chairman)
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