Underdown J holds the account for (03) 6264 2157 and is located at 25 Ranelagh St, Ranelagh, TAS 7109, New Zealand.
Underdown J's nearest neighbor is Crowe P C & J L at 54 Marguerite St, Ranelagh, TAS 7109.
This number is on the Hobart exchange.
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(03) 6264 2157
International dialing: +61 362642157
Not available
Crowe P C & J L
0.08 km
54 Marguerite St, Ranelagh, TAS 7109
Driessen S & M
0.01 km
27 A Ranelagh St, Ranelagh, TAS 7109
G Lapworth
0.08 km
7 Cornelia Cl, Ranelagh, TAS 7109
Underdown Mrs S & M
0.0 km
25 Ranelagh St, Ranelagh, TAS 7109
Millhouse G
0.01 km
41 Marguerite St, Ranelagh, TAS 7109
W Austin
0.02 km
39 Marguerite St, Ranelagh, TAS 7109
Underdown J is recorded as residing at 25 Ranelagh Street, Ranelagh. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 859 sqm. 25 Ranelagh Street, Ranelagh was last sold for $249,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Block size
859 sqm
Building size
94 sqm
Last agent
Tasmanian Private Realty - Huonville
Last sold date
Apr 2010
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Coca-Cola Amatil
Riki Underdown
( BDE)
Davis Langdon an AECOM Company
Underdown Delia
( Team Administrator)
Logan City Council
Lorraine Underdown
( clerical officer)
Kyle Underdown
( Manager / Director)
Macquarie Group
Jodi Underdown
( Manager, Global Reward)
Queensland Government
jill underdown
( adjudicator)
Medibank Health Solutions
Jessica Underdown
( Relationship Manager)
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