Kostarelas G holds the account for (03) 5985 5043 and is located at 26 Adam St, Rye, VIC 3941, New Zealand.
Kostarelas G's nearest neighbor is J Nelson at 21 Belar Rd, Tootgarook, VIC 3941.
This number is on the Mornington, Pakenham, Rosebud, Warburton, Yarra Ranges exchange.
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(03) 5985 5043
International dialing: +61 359855043
Not available
J Nelson
0.02 km
21 Belar Rd, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
M Strange
0.08 km
30 Belar Rd, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
Kleinert L
0.08 km
32 Belar Rd, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
R Rowles
0.0 km
26 Adam St, Rye, VIC 3941
Smith A
0.01 km
23 Belar Rd, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
C & M Vescio
0.09 km
24 Avocet Ct, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
This number was previously registered in the following names:
G Kostarelas
Kostarelas G is recorded as residing at 26 Adam Street, Rye. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. 26 Adam Street, Rye was last rented for $475.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
RT Edgar - Rye
Last rent value
Last rent date
Jan 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Salsas Fresh Mex
Adrian Kostarelas
( Customer Service Assistant)
George Kostarelas
( Private Driver)
Jodie Kostarelas
( Buyer / Manager)
Adam Kostarelas
( Sales Associate)
REA Group
Anastasia Kostarelas
( Customer Care Specialist)
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