Atkinson P A holds the account for (03) 5985 3539 and is located at 71 Leonard St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941, New Zealand.
Atkinson P A's nearest neighbor is P Callea at 111 Russell St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941.
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(03) 5985 3539
International dialing: +61 359853539
Not available
P Callea
0.06 km
111 Russell St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
Fynmore M W
0.09 km
19 Leonard St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
Gulinello G
0.01 km
102 Russell St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
Gray C
0.03 km
113 Russell St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
J Jenner
0.08 km
69 Williamson St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
Smart M
0.0 km
106 Russell St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Forster D
71 Leonard St, Tootgarook, VIC 3941
Atkinson P A is recorded as residing at 71 Leonard Street, Tootgarook. This is a house. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 745 sqm. 71 Leonard Street, Tootgarook was last sold for $415,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
745 sqm
Last agent
YPA Estate Agents - Rye
Last sold date
30 Nov 2013
Last sold value
Listed value
over $360,000
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Northern Territory Government
Sue Forster Forster
( Child Health Nurse)
Princess Alexandra hospital
Bec Forster6
( Registered Haemodialysis Nurse)
Leighton Contractors
Marcus Forsterling
( Project Engineer)
Karsten Forsterling
( Team Leader - Structures)
Norton Rose Australia
Fiona Forsterling
( Associate)
Australian National University Actuarial Society (ASOC)
Marnie Forster
( Researcher)
IRT Group
Alisha Forster
( Care Worker)
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