Khosa G holds the account for (03) 5982 2247 and is located at 19 Wattle Pl, McCrae, VIC 3938, New Zealand.
Khosa G's nearest neighbor is S Toleman at 8 Warraburra Ave, Rosebud, VIC 3939.
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(03) 5982 2247
International dialing: +61 359822247
Not available
S Toleman
0.09 km
8 Warraburra Ave, Rosebud, VIC 3939
Davidson Jane
0.07 km
57 Boneo Rd, Rosebud, VIC 3939
Lomulder D
0.04 km
78 Flinders Ave, Rosebud, VIC 3939
J Milledge
0.04 km
59 Boneo Rd, Rosebud, VIC 3939
S Petty
0.04 km
7 Coorabong Ave, Rosebud, VIC 3939
Burston M H
0.04 km
23 Warraburra Ave, Rosebud, VIC 3939
Khosa G is recorded as residing at 65 Boneo Road, Rosebud. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. 65 Boneo Road, Rosebud was last sold for $410,000. 65 Boneo Road, Rosebud was last rented for $350.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Flynn & Co Real Estate - Rosebud
Last sold date
Sep 2011
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Jan 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Jet Tex Lanka Pvt Ltd
Sony Khosa
( In budget company)
Davies Collison Cave
Simren Khosa
( Trainee Patent Attorney)
University of South Australia
Raspal Khosa
( Doctoral Candidate)
Manveer Khosa
( Telstra Business Account Manager)
Khosa Dhlamini
( IT Consultant)
Woolworths Supermarkets
Jaspreet Khosa
( Price and Trade Investment Manager)
XSTRACT Mining Consultants
Jasbir Khosa
( Principal Consultant Processing)
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