Holt Casey holds the account for (03) 5981 2491 and is located at 45 Branson St, Rosebud, VIC 3939, New Zealand.
Holt Casey's nearest neighbor is J F Goldsmid at 13 Colin St, Rosebud West, VIC 3940.
Another number — 0407 525 604 — is also associated with this address.
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(03) 5981 2491
International dialing: +61 359812491
Not available
J F Goldsmid
0.06 km
13 Colin St, Rosebud West, VIC 3940
Hill M
0.0 km
45 Branson St, Rosebud, VIC 3939
M Cocks
0.0 km
4 Margaret St, McCrae, VIC 3938
Watt N
0.0 km
394 Eastbourne Rd, Rosebud, VIC 3939
Bevilacqua M & C
0.0 km
396 Eastbourne Rd, Rosebud, VIC 3939
J Ross
0.0 km
398 East Bourne Rd, Rosebud West, VIC 3940
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Perrin F
45 Branson St, Rosebud, VIC 3939
Holt Casey is recorded as residing at 45 Branson Street, Rosebud. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 525 sqm. 45 Branson Street, Rosebud was last sold for $317,500. 45 Branson Street, Rosebud was last rented for $300pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
525 sqm
Last agent
Hocking Stuart - Rosebud
Last sold date
Apr 2013
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Dec 2010
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
La Trobe University
Perrin Date
( Research Operations Coordinator, Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre)
Lou Perrino
( BOEING Fleet Technical Specialist)
Wannon Water
Ebony Perrin
( Manager Operations support and Projects)
Rachael Perrins
( Childcare worker)
NAB Financial Planning
Ynes Perrin
( Client Service Officer)
Queensland University of Technology
Amanda Perrins
( librarian)
Skydive Australia
Felicity Perrin
( Assistant Marketing Manager - VIC)
Downer Mining
Toby Perrin
( Serviceman)
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