Ludeman C & P holds the account for (03) 5828 6544 and is located at 14 Baldock St, Dookie, VIC 3646, New Zealand.
Ludeman C & P's nearest neighbor is Johnston G D & V M at 395 Proctors Rd, Dookie, VIC 3646.
This number is on the Deniliquin, Shepparton exchange.
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(03) 5828 6544
International dialing: +61 358286544
Not available
Johnston G D & V M
0.1 km
395 Proctors Rd, Dookie, VIC 3646
Johnston G
0.1 km
395 Proctors Rd, Dookie, VIC 3646
Ludeman S
0.56 km
334 Ludeman Rd, Waggarandall, VIC 3727
Johnson B & M
3.35 km
``Wyndamah'' Boxwood Rd, Boxwood, VIC 3725
Moylan P E & M
3.15 km
2359 Tungamah Boundary Rd, Yundool, VIC 3727
Trethowan Pat
1.17 km
``Avonlea'', Dookie, VIC 3646
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Ludeman P
14 Baldock St, Dookie, VIC 3646
Ludeman C & P is recorded as residing at 14 Baldock Street, Dookie. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 4 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 1,687 sqm. 14 Baldock Street, Dookie was last sold for $233,500.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
1,687 sqm
Last agent
Your Sold Real Estate - Shepparton
Last sold date
Nov 2013
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
St Barbara Limited
Warren Ludemann
( Shift Supervisor)
ProMet Engineers Pty Ltd
Marie Ludemann
( Senior Document Controller)
Australian Federal Government
Craig Ludemann
( Electrical Engineer)
Rio Tinto
Caroline Ludemann
( Superintendent geoscientific data management)
Aubrey Ludemann
( I am retied)
Test Drive Sampling and Experiential
Arabella Ludemann
( Brand Ambassador)
Sophie Ludemann
( Team Member)
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