T Watson holds the account for (03) 5786 5017 and is located at 370 National Park Rd, Kinglake West, VIC 3757, New Zealand.
T Watson's nearest neighbor is Boyce B at 12 Marks Rd, Kinglake West, VIC 3757.
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(03) 5786 5017
International dialing: +61 357865017
Not available
Boyce B
0.15 km
12 Marks Rd, Kinglake West, VIC 3757
Brooks Helen
0.03 km
9 Jouvelet St, Kinglake West, VIC 3757
Mrs K M Crick
0.09 km
5 Jouvelet St, Kinglake West, VIC 3757
Gurrieri H
0.11 km
3 Windana Crt, Kinglake West, VIC 3757
Gurrieri H
0.11 km
3 Windana Crt, Kinglake West, VIC 3757
R Harlow
0.11 km
17 Jouvelet St, Kinglake West, VIC 3757
T Watson is recorded as residing at 370 National Park Road, Kinglake West. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 6 car spaces. 370 National Park Road, Kinglake West was last sold for $410,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Mason White McDougall - Whittlesea
Last sold date
Nov 2014
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Campbell Arnott's
T Watson
( EN)
susan t watson
( Self Employed)
Michael CPL 6 Watson
( tech)
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