H Borchard holds the account for (03) 5728 6712 and is located at Main Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747, New Zealand.
H Borchard's nearest neighbor is Gellie N at 53 Pioneer Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747.
Another number — (03) 5728 6584 — is also associated with this address.
This number is on the Wangaratta exchange.
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(03) 5728 6712
International dialing: +61 357286712
Not available
Gellie N
0.19 km
53 Pioneer Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747
Hilton H
0.0 km
Main Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747
G Milham
0.1 km
52 Main Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747
R & J Turnbull
0.15 km
77 Pioneer Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747
Vlot M
0.02 km
64 Pioneer Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747
Brown Christine Dawn
0.16 km
46 Pioneer Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Borchard H
Main Rd, Stanley, VIC 3747
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
yolane borchardt
( Owner)
Ben Borchardt
( Business Sales / Account Manager)
Allan Borchardt
( Vacation Student Civil Engineer)
Bouygues Construction Australia
Allan Borchardt
( Site Engineer)
Wayne Borchardt
( Lab Technician)
University of Queensland
Karen Borchardt
( Manager, Research Information Service, St Lucia)
Education Queensland
Chantelle Borchardt
( Music and English Teacher)
Department for Education and Child Development, South Australia
Carlie Borchardt
( Senior Policy Advisor)
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