Vo H holds the account for (03) 5472 2317 and is located at 315 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028, New Zealand.
Vo H's nearest neighbor is Franco H at 318 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028.
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(03) 5472 2317
International dialing: +61 354722317
Not available
Franco H
0.04 km
318 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
Haillay A
0.04 km
309 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
L P Kristensen
0.04 km
323 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
Paulino M R
0.02 km
316 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
Ufornwa M
0.02 km
311 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
H Vo
0.0 km
315 Victoria St, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028
Vo H is recorded as residing at 315 Victoria Street, Altona Meadows. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 5 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 536 sqm. 315 Victoria Street, Altona Meadows was last sold for $400,000. 315 Victoria Street, Altona Meadows was last rented for $260pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
536 sqm
Last sold date
Dec 2012
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Feb 2009
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
The University of Melbourne
Kathy Vohs
( Botanist)
NSW Health
Wai Boh
( Licensed Clinical Psychologist)
SKILLED Offshore
Boh Pheeney
( Chief Engineer)
NSW Rural Fire Service
Boh Fitzgerald
( Legislative Compliance, Policy and Research Utilisation)
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