Figg S holds the account for (03) 5385 7604 and is located at 34 Market St, Minyip, VIC 3392, New Zealand.
Figg S's nearest neighbor is Mrs D Connolly at 8 Mcleod St, Minyip, VIC 3392.
This number is on the Ballarat exchange.
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(03) 5385 7604
International dialing: +61 353857604
Not available
Mrs D Connolly
0.09 km
8 Mcleod St, Minyip, VIC 3392
Edgerton P
0.03 km
32 Market St, Minyip, VIC 3392
Fitton M
0.1 km
6 Mcleod St, Minyip, VIC 3392
Alys McQueen
0.04 km
40 Market St, Minyip, VIC 3392
B Ortlipp
0.04 km
35 Market St, Minyip, VIC 3392
Robinson L
0.01 km
36 Market St, Minyip, VIC 3392
Figg S is recorded as residing at 34 Market Street, Minyip. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 994 sqm. 34 Market Street, Minyip was last sold for $117,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
994 sqm
Last agent
Aaron Lewis Property Agents - Horsham
Last sold date
Mar 2015
Last sold value
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
GE Money
Rivka Figg
( HR Administrator)
None At All
Edward Figg
( Genius)
Svitzer Australia
Cheree Figg
( Port Manager)
Sebastian Figg
( Technical Writer)
Department of Justice
Madeleine Figg
( Crown Counsel)
Malcolm Figg
( Special events coordinator)
Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Chris Figg
( Manager, Executive Services,South West Region)
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