Brinkmann A holds the account for (03) 5332 4251 and is located at 121 Doodts Rd, Ballarat North, VIC 3350, New Zealand.
Brinkmann A's nearest neighbor is Clancy J D at 125 Doodts Rd, Ballarat North, VIC 3350.
This number is on the Ballarat exchange.
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(03) 5332 4251
International dialing: +61 353324251
Not available
Clancy J D
0.06 km
125 Doodts Rd, Ballarat North, VIC 3350
G P & K M Carter
0.09 km
4 Merrick Ave, Nerrina, VIC 3350
O'Loughlan D & G
0.04 km
123 Doodts Rd, Ballarat North, VIC 3350
Sweet T
0.0 km
121 Doodts Rd, Ballarat, VIC 3350
Sweet W
0.0 km
121 Doodts Rd, Black Hill, VIC 3350
Sebestyen Mr A
0.06 km
125 Doodts Rd, Ballarat North, VIC 3350
Brinkmann A is recorded as residing at 121 Doodts Road, Ballarat North. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. 121 Doodts Road, Ballarat North was last rented for $280.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
PRDnationwide - Ballarat
Last rent value
Last rent date
Nov 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Tasmanian Health Service
Heidrun Brinkmann
( Medical Intern)
Dick Smith Electronics
Matthew Brinkmann
( Supervisor)
Mal Brinkmann
( Wool & Grain Production)
Queensland Health
Mada Brinkmann
( Registered Nurse)
Tutoring Australasia
Judy Brinkmann
( Accountant)
Total Beauty Network
Jasmine Brinkmann
( Territory Manager)
Hannover Re
Vera Brinkmann
( Treaty Underwriter)
University of Melbourne
Tanja Brinkmann
( Clinical demonstrator)
ORIGO Education
Robert Brinkmann
( Web Developer)
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