Zelley R holds the account for (03) 5331 3724 and is located at 4 Howitt St, Ballarat North, VIC 3350, New Zealand.
Zelley R's nearest neighbor is Beames G J at 4 Howitt St, Ballarat North, VIC 3350.
Another number — (03) 5332 4094 — is also associated with this address.
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(03) 5331 3724
International dialing: +61 353313724
Not available
Beames G J
0.0 km
4 Howitt St, Ballarat North, VIC 3350
Barnes R
0.01 km
904 Sherrard St, Ballarat North, VIC 3350
Cullinan G P & L S
0.04 km
903 Sherrard St, Ballarat North, VIC 3350
R L Eva
0.0 km
899 Sherrard St, Ballarat North, VIC 3350
W J McLennan
0.07 km
5 Howitt St, Black Hill, VIC 3350
Vanoirschot R
0.06 km
1 Aquila Crt, Ballarat North, VIC 3350
Zelley R is recorded as residing at 4 Howitt Street, Ballarat North. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. 4 Howitt Street, Ballarat North was last sold for $310,000. 4 Howitt Street, Ballarat North was last rented for $280.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Harcourts - Ballarat
Last sold date
Sep 2013
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Oct 2014
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Eckersley's Art & Craft
Narelle Zeller
( Assistant Manager)
The Salvation Army
Russell Zelley
( Chaplain)
Bank of Queensland
Anthony Zeller
( Collections Officer)
Norman Disney & Young
Alex Zeller
( Mechanical Engineer)
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