T Beckley holds the account for (03) 5244 4985 and is located at 6 Thornbury La, Highton, VIC 3216, New Zealand.
T Beckley's nearest neighbor is Gully R T at 11 Melrose Ave, Highton, VIC 3216.
This number is on the Colac, Geelong exchange.
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(03) 5244 4985
International dialing: +61 352444985
Not available
Gully R T
0.03 km
11 Melrose Ave, Highton, VIC 3216
Gully R T
0.03 km
11 Melrose Ave, Highton, VIC 3216
Kenny M
0.03 km
5 Thornbury L, Highton, VIC 3216
Made B
0.02 km
3 Thorbury L, Highton, VIC 3216
Stanaway J
0.02 km
3 Thornbury La, Highton, VIC 3216
Balaam Mr N J
0.01 km
8 Thornbury La, Highton, VIC 3216
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Beckley T
6 Thornbury La, Highton, VIC 3216
T Beckley is recorded as residing at 6 Thornbury Lane, Highton. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 665 sqm. 6 Thornbury Lane, Highton was last sold for $370,000. 6 Thornbury Lane, Highton was last rented for $330pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
665 sqm
Last agent
Hocking Stuart - (Geelong) Pty Ltd
Last sold date
03 Sep 2011
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Jul 2011
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Capital Radiology
Vaughan Beckley
( Radiologist)
Barry Plant
Reece Beckley
( Real Estate Agent)
Bay Leather Republic
Rita Beckley
( Sales Specialist)
Life Without Barriers
Gabbie Beckley
( Case Manager)
G&S Engineering Services
Alex Beckley
( Graduate Electrical Engineer)
Wayne Beckley
( Chief Operating Officer, Pacific Banking)
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